Model routing
const routerTag = new XMLNodeDescription({
tag: "router",
description: "Routes the message to the appropriate model.",
selfClosing: true,
attributes: {
model: "The model to route the message to. Your choices are: 'emotional' and 'technical'"
input: "Today was a shitty day...",
output: "<router model='emotional'/>"
input: "How do I change my password?",
output: "<router model='technical'/>"
const saxParser = new SaxaMLLParser();
let additionalModelPrompt = "";
saxParser.executor.upon('update').for("root").do(([parent, child, isCommitted]) => {
const classification = child.attributes.model;
if (classification === "emotional") {
additionalModelPrompt = "You are an emotional model."
} else {
additionalModelPrompt = "You are a technical model."
saxParser.parse("<router model='emotional'/>");
console.log(additionalModelPrompt); // 'You are an emotional model.'
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