

The XMLNodeDescription class is designed to generate and manage descriptions for XML tags. It provides functionality to create customizable prompts for XML elements, including their attributes and usage examples.


constructor(desc: { 
    tag: string; 
    description: string; 
    selfClosing?: boolean; 
    attributes?: Record<string, string> 

Creates a new XMLNodeDescription instance.

  • Parameters:

    • desc: object: An object containing the tag details:

      • tag: string: The XML tag name.

      • description: string: A description of the XML tag.

      • selfClosing?: boolean: Optional. Indicates if the tag is self-closing. Default is false.

      • attributes?: Record<string, string>: Optional. A key-value pair of attribute names and their descriptions.



tag: string

Returns the XML tag name.

prompt: string

Returns the complete prompt, combining mainPrompt, attributePrompt, and examplePrompt.

mainPrompt: string

Returns the main prompt describing the tag.

attributePrompt: string

Returns the prompt describing the tag's attributes.

examplePrompt: string

Returns the prompt providing usage examples of the tag.

Public Methods

setExamples(examples: XMLNodeDescriptionExample[]): void

Sets the examples for the XML tag and regenerates the example prompt.

  • Parameters:

    • examples: XMLNodeDescriptionExample[]: An array of input-output examples.

setAttributes(attributes: Record<string, string>): void

Sets the attributes for the XML tag and regenerates the attribute prompt.

  • Parameters:

    • attributes: Record<string, string>: A key-value pair of attribute names and their descriptions.

overloadMainPrompt(prompt: string): void

Overrides the main prompt with a custom string.

  • Parameters:

    • prompt: string: The new main prompt.

overloadExamplePrompt(callback: ((example: XMLNodeDescriptionExample) => string) | null): void

Sets a custom callback for formatting example prompts and regenerates the example prompt.

  • Parameters:

    • callback: ((example: XMLNodeDescriptionExample) => string) | null: A function that takes an example and returns a formatted string, or null to reset to default formatting.

overloadAttributePrompt(callback: ((key: string, value: string) => string) | null): void

Sets a custom callback for formatting attribute prompts and regenerates the attribute prompt.

  • Parameters:

    • callback: ((key: string, value: string) => string) | null: A function that takes an attribute key and value and returns a formatted string, or null to reset to default formatting.

Usage Example

const imgDesc = new XMLNodeDescription({
  tag: 'img',
  description: 'An image element',
  selfClosing: true,
  attributes: { src: 'Image source URL', alt: 'Alternative text' }

// <img/>: An image element (This is a self-closing tag)

// Attributes:
//     src: Image source URL
//     alt: Alternative text

  { input: '', output: '<img src="example.jpg" alt="An example image"/>' }

// Examples:
//     Input: ""
//     Output: "<img src="example.jpg" alt="An example image"/>"

// <img/>: An image element (This is a self-closing tag)
// Attributes:
//     src: Image source URL
//     alt: Alternative text
// Examples:
//     Input: ""
//     Output: "<img src="example.jpg" alt="An example image"/>"

imgDesc.overloadAttributePrompt((key, value) => `  ${key.toUpperCase()}: ${value}\n`);
// Attributes:
//   SRC: Image source URL
//   ALT: Alternative text

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